Název ISBN Sklad
Říše znaků 9788087429259 0
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Roland Barthes Petr Zavadil Fra CZ 172 2012 11 cm 18 cm
229 Kč incl. VAT
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One of the most personal and readable texts by the famous French essayist. Japan as a system of characters, not just visited but read like a book. The author's intimate encounter with a world that opens up before him page by page. Roland Barthes penetrates the hidden meaning of the Japanese kitchen, the theatre, the railway station, the room or the ordinary package with the insight of a man in love. Both a confession and a poetic meditation on what things and gestures tell us when we are prepared to read them properly.

Czech edition

Author Roland Barthes
Translator Petr Zavadil
Publisher Fra
Language CZ
Pages 172
Published 2012
Width 11 cm
Height 18 cm