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Proměna krve 9788075300997 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Gustav Meyrink Václav Ondráček Malvern CZ 128 2017 12 cm 17 cm
228 Kč incl. VAT
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In the autobiographical essay from the estate of The Transformation of Blood, the well-known German author describes his spiritual development and deals with occult issues in a coherent way. This is a rare text that has not yet been published in English; it is probably a fragment of the planned autobiographical book Styx, which Meyrink says he worked on between 1927 and 1929.

Czech edition

Author Gustav Meyrink
Translator Václav Ondráček
Publisher Malvern
Language CZ
Pages 128
Published 2017
Width 12 cm
Height 17 cm