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Příhody při shazování kůží 9788087705704 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Dylan Thomas Martin Pokorný RUBATO CZ 268 2018 13,60 cm 17,70 cm
270 Kč incl. VAT
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The burlesque Incidents in the shedding of skins, after which this entire collection of the author's prose is named, comprise the opening chapters of an intended novella that Thomas worked on primarily in May and June 1941; the surviving fragment depicts the defiant departure of Sam Bennet from a provincial small town to London, "the city of the eager dead," where the young man undergoes an absurd initiation. The second part of the volume consists of short, highly poetic prose pieces from 1933-1939. The texts are united by the author's wild imagination and symbol-laden style, touching on the mystery of death and human birth, the plot sometimes giving way to magical expression, and sexual obsession merging with religious imagery. The colliding clusters of imagery create a magically unsettling beauty.

Legendary Welsh poet Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) is one of the greatest lyricists of the 20th century. His poetry has been collected in translations by Jiřina Hauková and Pavel Šrut, his short story collection Portrait of an Artist as a Puppy (1940) was translated by Petr Pujman, his radio play Under Milk Wood (1953) by Antonín Přidal and his small memoir A Boy's Christmas in Wales (1945) by Petr Eliáš. With the publication of Tales of Skinning, the Czech reader gets Thomas's literary work more or less in its entirety.

Czech edition

Author Dylan Thomas
Translator Martin Pokorný
Publisher RUBATO
Language CZ
Pages 268
Published 2018
Width 13,60 cm
Height 17,70 cm