Název ISBN Sklad
Kamenné srdce 9788087048580 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Arno Schmidt Radovan Charvát Opus CZ 206 2018 13,20 cm 19,50 cm
268 Kč incl. VAT
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The novel Heart of Stone features the "educated idler" Walter Eggers, who, although he likes the landlady with fully developed breasts, sleeps with her, but only in order to get rare inherited books from her. He acts towards other people purely with his own benefit in mind, and has an emotional attachment only to books that are a hundred years old. Eggers is an avid collector of numbers, data, facts and documents, just like Arno Schmidt. The book is the eighth volume in Schmidt's unique series (Leviathan, Journeys to Weilaghiri, From the Life of a Faun, Brand's Mud, Lakescapes with Pocahontas, Windmills, Republic of Scholars)

Czech edition

Author Arno Schmidt
Translator Radovan Charvát
Publisher Opus
Language CZ
Pages 206
Published 2018
Width 13,20 cm
Height 19,50 cm