Název ISBN Sklad
Živý duch 9788074743740 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Romano Guardini Jan Frei Triáda CZ 120 2023 11,40 cm 17,50 cm
249 Kč incl. VAT
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The three articles, whose translation is the content of this book, are among Guardini's lesser-known and rarely cited texts, although they are fundamental philosophical texts - for they contain a surprisingly developed cosmology and anthropology, quite comparable to that which the author will present, when he explicitly focuses on it, in his book The World and the Person (1939, Welt und Person, Würzburg 1939; Czech translation by D. The articles were originally published by R. Guardini as a sequel in three volumes of the seventh volume of the journal Die Schildgenossen (1927). They were reprinted in a large collection of Guardini's texts, What is Christian? (Unterscheidung des Christlichen, Mainz 1935) and in 1950 also as a separate publication (Lebendiger Geist, ed. P. Schifferli, Zurich 1950).

Czech edition

Author Romano Guardini
Translator Jan Frei
Publisher Triáda
Language CZ
Pages 120
Published 2023
Width 11,40 cm
Height 17,50 cm