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Život návod k použití 9788087705605 0
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Georges Perec Kateřina Vinšová RUBATO CZ 732 2013 13,60 cm 17,60 cm
599 Kč incl. VAT
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Life's Instruction Manual (1978) is not only Georges Perec's crowning achievement, but also one of the most fascinating and, with its deliberate limitations, most complex books in 20th-century world literature - for its breadth, its organization, its wealth of information and references, its humorous inventiveness, the irony that pervades it, and its refined artistic form, it has been described as "baroque realism bordering on burlesque." It is a universe condensed into the dimension of a house, stripped of its front facade, in whose bowels the stories of a colourful panopticon of inhabitants unfold. The reader moves from one room to another, from one era to another, from one style, story, allusion to another. A Life of Instruction is a thousand novels in one, with a thousand characters whose bizarre, tragicomic, ridiculous fates weave through the space like the threads of an extraordinary author's brain.

Czech edition

Author Georges Perec
Translator Kateřina Vinšová
Publisher RUBATO
Language CZ
Pages 732
Published 2013
Width 13,60 cm
Height 17,60 cm