Název ISBN Sklad
Země otců a zrádců 9788087260289 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published
Maxim Biller Jana Zoubková Labyrint CZ 320 2011
195 Kč incl. VAT
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A collection of short stories that can also be read as a novel. Sixteen stories that reflect the whole 20th century like a kaleidoscope: childhood in a Russian village in 1941, a bitter romantic duel in post-war Prague, a literary detective story in Munich in the 1990s... In a thrilling rhythm, we meet confused scientists, renegade communists, cheeky girls, melancholic mothers and brutal criminals or lying writers. Land of Fathers and Traitors is a haunting book about people who are doggedly searching for an answer: How does the horror of the past take hold of today's man.

Czech edition

Author Maxim Biller
Translator Jana Zoubková
Publisher Labyrint
Language CZ
Pages 320
Published 2011