Název ISBN Sklad
Zatmění země 9788087048559 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Ingeborg Bachmannová Michaela Jacobsenová Opus CZ 140 2018 13,20 cm 19,50 cm
228 Kč incl. VAT
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After the large collection of poetry The Line of Life (2016) and the 2nd revised edition of the novel Malina, we offer translations of the radio plays The Dream Shop (1952), Cicadas (1955) and The Good God of Manhattan (1958). All three plays touch in some way on the "problem constant" that is the subject of Part I. Bachmann. With poetic, but not overpoeticized language and artful composition, they circle the basic questions of human and artistic isolation, the fragility of our existence, the loneliness of the one who loves, the impossibility of permanently fulfilling the absolute demands of love.

Czech edition

Author Ingeborg Bachmannová
Translator Michaela Jacobsenová
Publisher Opus
Language CZ
Pages 140
Published 2018
Width 13,20 cm
Height 19,50 cm