Název ISBN Sklad
Velká knižní záhada 9788087595350 2
Author Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Pavel Čech Pavel Čech Petrkov CZ 84 2014 23,50 cm 32,70 cm
390 Kč incl. VAT
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I'm sure you like picture books too. But you probably have no idea that the characters in the illustrations move and sometimes get lost!
In special laboratories, scientific teams from all over the world are trying to solve this mystery. They search for picture characters that have taken up residence in other books for unknown reasons and use complex experiments to get to the bottom of this strange phenomenon.
So far, however, to no avail.
This mystery is the subject of a new book by Brno artist Pavel Čech, whose main characters are Alfréd the cat and Kvído the mouse.

Czech edition

Author Pavel Čech
Ilustration Pavel Čech
Publisher Petrkov
Language CZ
Pages 84
Published 2014
Width 23,50 cm
Height 32,70 cm