Název ISBN Sklad
Vánoční povídky ze Šumavy 9788088428329 0
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Karel Klostermann Alpha book CZ 204 2023 12,10 cm 19,50 cm
248 Kč incl. VAT
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Karel Klostermann's famous and lesser-known Christmas and New Year's stories are set in the harsh conditions of snow and frost-tested Šumava. The stories are a testimony of human fates, relationships, love and hard life. In them, the writer records the memories of his father, who as a doctor got to know the region and its inhabitants, and adds his own experiences. The narrative is framed by the Šumava landscape and its harsh natural conditions, which are especially unforgiving in winter, and each story reflects the writer's strong love for Šumava and the people who live there.

Czech edition

Author Karel Klostermann
Publisher Alpha book
Language CZ
Pages 204
Published 2023
Width 12,10 cm
Height 19,50 cm