Název ISBN Sklad
Úvahy nad zájmeny 9788075210920 2
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Kristina Láníková Fra CZ 76 2020 10,50 cm 17 cm
139 Kč incl. VAT
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These love poems take shape as clusters of words, bodies and relationships in free space. Their form is the result of multiple rearrangements. Identities emerge here as temporary positions in the flock and are easily reducible in a transparent environment. Personal pronouns are separated from the subjects, like the outer skeletons of underwater animals or the white skins of evaporated salt water. In such a situation, beloved bodies resemble words in a poem. Also because they can eventually be replaced by other bodies and other words.

Czech edition

Author Kristina Láníková
Publisher Fra
Language CZ
Pages 76
Published 2020
Width 10,50 cm
Height 17 cm