Název ISBN Sklad
Ústřičkova smutná smrt 9788076900028 4
Author Translator Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Tim Burton Richard Podaný Tim Burton Dybbuk CZ 128 2022 11,60 cm 17,60 cm
299 Kč incl. VAT
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The collection of 23 poems introduces the reader to a tragicomic world of absurdity, clever humour and undeniable authorial fidelity to strange characters of difficult appearance and fate. In a simple and rhythmic language not dissimilar to that of nursery rhymes, Burton presents the vulnerable existence of these, to say the least, strange and diverse outsiders whose lives evoke both laughter and embarrassment. All of the creatures are personified by Burton's unmistakable illustrations - like The Oyster Man, the Toxic Boy - Roch, Chumilena, and The Flea, who invite the reader-viewer to witness and participate in their bizarre births, fates, and "endings."

Czech edition

Author Tim Burton
Translator Richard Podaný
Ilustration Tim Burton
Publisher Dybbuk
Language CZ
Pages 128
Published 2022
Width 11,60 cm
Height 17,60 cm