Název ISBN Sklad
Umřel Břežněv 9788076220218 2
Author Language Pages Published Width Height
Dagmar Urbánková CZ 103 2022 13,20 cm 20 cm
248 Kč incl. VAT
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Dagmar Urbánková makes the everyday magic of childhood and adolescence visible in her prose novel Umřel Brezhnev (He Died Brezhnev) through a series of memories. With her witty, sharply focused and vividly drawn views of experiences that, from the sober perspective of adulthood, threaten to become a fading memory, Urbánková playfully and densely captures the characteristic features of a life and, coincidentally, a historical epoch in which, as she notes, everyone often wants to have everything behind them as soon as possible.

Czech edition

Author Dagmar Urbánková
Language CZ
Pages 103
Published 2022
Width 13,20 cm
Height 20 cm