Název ISBN Sklad
Totožnost 9788071083924 45
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Milan Kundera Anna Kareninová Atlantis CZ 136 2024 14,20 cm 21,10 cm
330 Kč incl. VAT
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Identity, chronologically the second novel written in French by Milan Kundera, is published in a Czech translation by Anna Karenina.

I can see their two heads, in profile, in the light of a bedside lamp: Jean-Marc's head with his neck on the pillow; Chantal's head, bent about ten centimetres above him.
She was saying: 'I'll never let you out of my sight again. I will look at you without ceasing."
And after a pause, "I'm afraid when my eye blinks. Afraid that in the second my gaze goes out, a snake, a rat, another man will slip into your place."
He tried to lift up a little to touch her lips.
She shook her head, "No, I just want to look at you."
And then, "I'll leave the lamp on all night. All night."
Milan Kundera: Identity, Atlantis 2024, p. 114.

Czech edition

Author Milan Kundera
Translator Anna Kareninová
Publisher Atlantis
Language CZ
Pages 136
Published 2024
Width 14,20 cm
Height 21,10 cm