Název ISBN Sklad
Timon Aténský 9788071083788 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
William Shakespeare Martin Hilský Atlantis CZ 124 2022 14 cm 18,50 cm
198 Kč incl. VAT
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Timon of Athens is a lesser-known play that Shakespeare wrote with Thomas Middleton. The dual authorship is reflected in the play's genre duality - it oscillates between satire and tragedy. While in Act I Timon speaks the language of love and friendship, from the beginning of Act IV he speaks the language of curses and cursing. What causes this change? Why does Timon's whole world and the value order associated with it collapse?

Czech edition

Author William Shakespeare
Translator Martin Hilský
Publisher Atlantis
Language CZ
Pages 124
Published 2022
Width 14 cm
Height 18,50 cm