Název ISBN Sklad
Tajemství Joe Goulda 9788087048528 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Joseph Mitchell Tereza Límanová Opus CZ 118 2017 13,20 cm 19,50 cm
198 Kč incl. VAT
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The American journalist Joseph Mitchell (1908-1996) became famous for his specific reports that appeared in the American New Yorker magazine in the middle of the last century. The two texts presented here, Professor Seagull (1942) and The Secret of Joe Gould (1964), are linked by the same character: the homeless bohemian pimp Joe Gould. All his life he has been writing what he calls "the longest book in the world," which he calls Oral History. These Mitchell texts are a compelling record of a tragic human fate and an extraordinary testament to Mitchell's literary-journalistic method.

Czech edition

Author Joseph Mitchell
Translator Tereza Límanová
Publisher Opus
Language CZ
Pages 118
Published 2017
Width 13,20 cm
Height 19,50 cm