Název ISBN Sklad
Synagoga ikonoklastů 9788087705698 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
J. Rodolfo Wilcock Anežka Charvátová RUBATO CZ 196 2018 13,60 cm 17,70 cm
230 Kč incl. VAT
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A Filipino telepath who induces fits of glossolalia among the congress participants; a utopian seeking to return humanity to the Elizabethan era; a surgeon who crystallises table salt into the form of a chicken by sheer force of will; a Catalan theatre director staging Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations at Oxford - these are just a few portraits from Wilcock's gallery of bizarre characters who manage to use scientific methods, persuasive arguments and common sense to approach the unadulterated madness of human reason. Their efforts are rendered with such accuracy and believability that the reader loses confidence that these are not real characters in our increasingly strange world.
J. Rodolfo Wilcock (1919-1978), Argentine novelist, poet, critic and translator. Like Raymond Queneau, he published supposed translations of non-existent authors, which he invented according to publisher demand. In 1957 he fled political persecution in Italy and began writing in Italian.

The Synagogue of the Iconoclasts (1972) is his most important prose work.

Czech edition

Author J. Rodolfo Wilcock
Translator Anežka Charvátová
Publisher RUBATO
Language CZ
Pages 196
Published 2018
Width 13,60 cm
Height 17,70 cm