Název ISBN Sklad
Svědkové budoucího času I. - III. 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Pierre Bouretz Martin Pokorný OIKOYMENH CZ 376, 388, 392 2009 14,50 cm 21,20 cm
1 498 Kč incl. VAT
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In a series of nine wide-ranging essays, the author interprets the thought of major 20th-century Jewish thinkers, with an emphasis on issues related to Jewish identity: revelation and the law, hope and salvation, respect for otherness, and the prohibition of imagery. The thematic range extends from the neo-Kantian systematist H. Cohen through the philosophical theology of F. Rosenzweig or M. Buber, the peculiar Marxism of W. Benjamin or E. Bloch, the kabbalistic explorations of G. Scholem or the political philosophy of L. Strauss, to the reflections of the recently deceased philosophers H. Jonas and E. Lévinas. The book was published in three volumes, not sold separately.

Czech edition

Author Pierre Bouretz
Translator Martin Pokorný
Language CZ
Pages 376, 388, 392
Published 2009
Width 14,50 cm
Height 21,20 cm