Název ISBN Sklad
Studie k dějinám a politice 9788072982264 3
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Immanuel Kant Karel Loužil, Karel Novotný, Petra Stehlíková OIKOYMENH CZ 192 2016 14,30 cm 21,30 cm
278 Kč incl. VAT
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The present collection contains six of Kant's studies on the Enlightenment, politics and the philosophy of history, which are evidence of his intense interest in social events. The greatest contribution of Kant's social theoretical works, however, is the concretization of his moral theory. In his seminal contribution to the history of political philosophy, On Perpetual Peace, Kant presents a model of peaceful coexistence among nations that is still relevant today. In On the General Saying: If something is right in theory, it may not yet be right in practice, Kant explains the meaning and feasibility of his practical philosophy based on the categorical imperative. The collection also contains the essays The Idea of Universal History, a review of Herder's Ideas on the Philosophy of the History of Mankind, The Supposed Beginning of the History of Mankind, On the Supposed Right to Lie for Love of Men, What is Enlightenment? and concludes with The End of All Things, in which Kant translates the apocalyptic motif into a situation in which Christianity would become a mere set of precepts and cease to be imbued with the spirit of kindness and human understanding

Czech edition

Author Immanuel Kant
Translator Karel Loužil, Karel Novotný, Petra Stehlíková
Language CZ
Pages 192
Published 2016
Width 14,30 cm
Height 21,30 cm