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Stezka Tóry (Výběr z knihy Netivot olam) 9788087186015 5
Author Translator Language Pages Published Width Height
Maharal (Rabbi Löw) Jan Divecký CZ 138 2008 12,30 cm 17,60 cm
199 Kč incl. VAT
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The central theme of Netivot Olam is the Maharal's perception of the ethics of human action, supported by quotations from the Tanakh and Talmud. As Rabbi Löw writes in the preface to his book, "It is evident that the ancient scholars laid wise words of morality on people's hearts, and many of them are found in the Talmud to guide people along good and straight paths. And it seemed right to collect and organize these words. My only wish is that whoever seeks instruction on morality that is in accordance with the views of the rabbis will find it all together, in one book. And I have called this book Paths of the World (Netivot olam), where there is no death."

After the book The Path of Return (2007), which contains representative excerpts from four "paths" and one complete "path," we now present to the Czech reader the central and most difficult part of Netivot olam, the Torah Path.

Czech edition

Author Maharal (Rabbi Löw)
Translator Jan Divecký
Language CZ
Pages 138
Published 2008
Width 12,30 cm
Height 17,60 cm