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Smolný život žížal (krátké přírodopisné pojednání) 9788075151643 0
Author Translator Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Noemi Vola Josef Horváth Maurizio Corraini Baobab CZ 256 2023 15,60 cm 21,50 cm
520 Kč incl. VAT
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Who cares about earthworms, those inconspicuous pink creatures that live in the ground and are rarely seen until we start gardening? What kind of life do they actually lead? What do they look like and what are their characteristics? What do they seem to be thinking about as they endlessly dig tunnels, and why do they dig them at all? What if a head loses its tail - do they lose each other for good? And what do earthworms do in a thunderstorm? These and many other questions are attempted to be answered by the talented author of Italy's youngest generation of illustrators, Noemi Vola, in her two-hundred-page, mostly cartoonish treatise. How poignant and touching it is to explore earthworms, those creatures that only Charles Darwin was interested in, when we often don't know what we ourselves are doing! Unless, of course, the earthworms in the author's rendition are somehow inadvertently us...

Czech edition

Author Noemi Vola
Translator Josef Horváth
Ilustration Maurizio Corraini
Publisher Baobab
Language CZ
Pages 256
Published 2023
Width 15,60 cm
Height 21,50 cm