Název ISBN Sklad
Smích bez příčiny 9788087048658 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Alice Thomas Ellisová Martin Pokorný Opus CZ 134 2020 13,20 cm 19,50 cm
268 Kč incl. VAT
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Alice Thomas Ellis (1932-2005) was the author of thirteen novels. In Laughter Without a Cause, she combines the best traditions of British conversational comedy with her ability to make the silences between and beyond words ring out. Her novels, often inspired by the Welsh milieu and tragic events in her personal life, are distinguished above all by a high stylistic level that allows her (and, in turn, the reader) to view the everyday from unusual perspectives

Czech edition

Author Alice Thomas Ellisová
Translator Martin Pokorný
Publisher Opus
Language CZ
Pages 134
Published 2020
Width 13,20 cm
Height 19,50 cm