Název ISBN Sklad
Směšné lásky 9788071083528 2
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Milan Kundera Atlantis CZ 228 2015 14,20 cm 21,10 cm
352 Kč incl. VAT
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Ridiculous loves - seven short stories whose subject is love set in a comic context, or rather what people in a comic context consider to be an attempt at a love relationship. The volume contains the stories Nobody Will Laugh, The Golden Apple of Eternal Desire, The False Hitchhiking, Symposion, Let the Old Dead Give Way to the Young Dead, Doctor Havel After Twenty Years, Eduard and God. One of the stories was made into a film: Nobody Will Laugh (directed by Hynek Bočan, 1965).

Czech edition

Author Milan Kundera
Publisher Atlantis
Language CZ
Pages 228
Published 2015
Width 14,20 cm
Height 21,10 cm