Název ISBN Sklad
Setkání s C. G. Jungem 9788026221388 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
William McGuire, R. F. C. Hull Pavel Kolmačka Portál CZ 168 2024 14,70 cm 20,60 cm
349 Kč incl. VAT
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Encounters with C. G. Jung is a careful selection from a large number of newspaper articles, diary entries, reports, book excerpts and recordings of talks in which C. G. Jung is the protagonist.

The oldest essay dates from 1925 and the youngest from the early 1960s. The editors of the work have also taken into account which statements are more likely to be trusted - for example, because they are not simply expressions of pious deference to an acknowledged authority or because they were never published during the author's lifetime. In this way, they are intended to reflect C.G. Jung's personality as authentically as possible in the minds of his contemporaries.

The authors of the texts include, for example, Jung's childhood friend, Jung's pupils, those interested in his teachings, casual visitors to Jung's Bollingen Tower, and people who met Jung on his scientific and study trips or at congresses. For example, Jung interviewed the English writer Patricia Hutchins and the James Joyce scholar about the writer, the American pianist Margaret Tilly about the possibilities of music therapy, and the famous American aviator Charles A. Lindbergh about the then-popular topic of flying saucers. And Jung's classmate Albert Oeri recalled that Jung was not good at mathematics and was nicknamed "Barrel". 

Czech edition

Author William McGuire, R. F. C. Hull
Translator Pavel Kolmačka
Publisher Portál
Language CZ
Pages 168
Published 2024
Width 14,70 cm
Height 20,60 cm