Název ISBN Sklad
Sebrat klacek 9788075212047 1
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Petr Borkovec Fra CZ 172 2022 10,50 cm 17 cm
289 Kč incl. VAT
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Nominated for the Magnesia Litera 2021 award for prose. Petr Borkovec tells the story in a nice language, yet simple and easy to understand. He has a rich vocabulary and no sentence is repeated. Although some of the stories contain a more interesting story than others, the atmosphere is felt from every page. You read - and even if you have a hundred urges to intersperse your reading with other books, you end up not doing so even once. That is the secret of Borkovc's prose. As the critic Jan Štolba writes in another context, "The edges of the world are rough and hard, worn down, worn beyond recognition. Somehow, however, we have to get through it all."

Czech edition

Author Petr Borkovec
Publisher Fra
Language CZ
Pages 172
Published 2022
Width 10,50 cm
Height 17 cm