Název ISBN Sklad
S Kafkou na cestách 9788088378396 15
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Judita Matyášová, Jan Jindra Labyrint CZ 272 2024 13,50 cm 20 cm
495 Kč incl. VAT
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Kafka? Was he the writer who was tired of the clerical routine and spent his whole life in Prague?" The opposite is true. Journalist Judita Matyášová and photographer Jan Jindra reveal another Kafka. A curious young man who was interested in a healthy lifestyle, fascinated by modern technology and loved to travel. His travel diaries are full of vivid descriptions of what he experienced while exploring Europe.

Since 2003, the authors have visited 70 places in the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and France that are associated with Kafka. They have traced the locations according to clues in the author's diaries and letters. They wanted to know why Kafka went to Jungborn, Germany, among the devotees of nudism, or what caught his eye during his visit to Paris. Surprisingly, it was not the Eiffel Tower, but a ride on the metro! And why was he fascinated by an aeroplane flight in Italy? The book With Kafka on the Road is not just a guide to the places he visited during his holidays or business trips. It is also an invitation into the world of the famous writer, which you probably have not known before. And also an inspiration for your own travelling expeditions. 

Czech edition

Author Judita Matyášová, Jan Jindra
Publisher Labyrint
Language CZ
Pages 272
Published 2024
Width 13,50 cm
Height 20 cm