Název ISBN Sklad
Rozhovory k osmdesátým narozeninám 9788072984770 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Martin Heidegger Ivan Chvatík OIKOYMENH CZ 54 2013 11 cm 15 cm
98 Kč incl. VAT
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"Few names have the same weight in the world of the spirit as Martin Heidegger's," writes Richard Wisser in the introduction to a small book of memories of his friendship with the jubilarian, which also includes the text of the philosopher's interview for German television. "Our times are not poor in great personalities. Many people think today, but there are few great thinkers," Richard Wisser writes, and continues, "For Martin Heidegger, who has been called a thinker in a poor age, thinking became a matter of life. He freed the word from the accretions with which ordinary language contaminates it when it is used for mere wit, planning, or research. In the increasing thoughtlessness of our time he has kept alive the awareness of the necessity of calm and deliberate reflection. Whoever thinks of the word 'think' today thinks above all of Martin Heidegger, whose thinking cannot be bypassed by anyone who thinks. Heidegger showed that thinking can be an everyday affair without becoming something merely everyday."

Czech edition

Author Martin Heidegger
Translator Ivan Chvatík
Language CZ
Pages 54
Published 2013
Width 11 cm
Height 15 cm