Název ISBN Sklad
Psaní mi za rukou běhá jako pes 9788075212184 3
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Miroslav Olšovský Fra CZ 184 2023 10,50 cm 17 cm
259 Kč incl. VAT
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He who writes walks on a rope, both ends of which are held by nothingness. These maxims characterize the authorial gesture that Miroslav Olšovský develops in his new book. It is a strange, borderline achievement on the borderline between prose, poetry and conceptual writing. The book is dedicated to Prague, but it is not a local history or a nostalgic memoir. Prague has entered Olšovský's veins and nerve fibres, and within this circulatory system it has been transformed into a miraculous place that enlightens people.

Czech edition

Author Miroslav Olšovský
Publisher Fra
Language CZ
Pages 184
Published 2023
Width 10,50 cm
Height 17 cm