Název ISBN Sklad
Prótagoras 9788072982011 3
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Platón František Novotný OIKOYMENH CZ 88 2015 13 cm 20,20 cm
148 Kč incl. VAT
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In the opening of this dialogue we meet Hippocrates, who asks Socrates to intercede on his behalf with Próthagoras. Hippocrates wants to learn from this famous sophist. For Hippocrates knows that a sophist can make a man a skilled orator. He hears the words of warning from Socrates about the danger of buying from sophists teachings that are uncertain whether they will be beneficial or harmful.
Socrates then approaches Hippocrates at Protagoras, where the main topic of dialogue is whether it is possible to teach prowess

Czech edition

Author Platón
Translator František Novotný
Language CZ
Pages 88
Published 2015
Width 13 cm
Height 20,20 cm