Název ISBN Sklad
Příběh se závorkami 97881071081067 1
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Sergej Machonin Atlantis CZ 348 1995 12,40 cm 20,70 cm
270 Kč incl. VAT
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An extremely distinctive, challenging, thought-provoking prose, a personal story of Sergei Makhonin (1918-1995), critic and translator. The book is divided into three parts (Prostějov, Big and Small History, Records), each of which is further divided into smaller sections. The most extensive is the first part, devoted to the young summers in the Haná metropolis, in which the author painstakingly draws the family environment, the atmosphere of the time and the lifestyle of the awakened small town. The second part is a search for the reasons why the author believed in the possibility of realising the dream of a fairer society. Everything is centred on an unsentimental description of the process by which a mature man worked his way out of his illusions to perceive the world with a "different" mind and "different" eyes. The third volume is a collection of letters, diary entries and journalistic articles relating to the post-war and post-Soviet era... Name Index.

Czech edition

Author Sergej Machonin
Publisher Atlantis
Language CZ
Pages 348
Published 1995
Width 12,40 cm
Height 20,70 cm