Název ISBN Sklad
Poslední cesta: Doktor Korzcak a jeho děti 9788087595657 2
Author Translator Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Irene Cohen-Janca Jan Machonin Maurizio A.C.Quarello Petrkov CZ 60 2015 17,10 cm 23,80 cm
290 Kč incl. VAT
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On 29 November 1940, 192 children walked through the streets of Warsaw. Heartbroken but with their heads held high, they left their beautiful orphanage in Krochmalna Street under the guidance of Dr. Korczak and moved to the Warsaw ghetto. Their new home is much smaller and the ghetto resembles a prison where more Jews are locked up every day. Fortunately, Dr Korczak is watching over them. He accompanies them on their final journey... The true story of a man whose ideas had a decisive influence on the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.

JANUSZ KORCZAK, the main character of this book (first name Henryk Goldszmit * 22 July 1878, Warsaw, † 7 August 1942, Treblinka extermination camp), was a Polish-Jewish children's book author, paediatrician, teacher and publicist, also known by the nicknames Mr. Doctor or Old Doctor. In 1912, Janusz Korczak became the director of a Jewish orphanage in Warsaw. Inspired by the Swiss pedagogue Johann Pestalozzi and the German pedagogue Friedrich Fröbel, he and his colleague Stefania Wilczyńska ran an orphanage based on the idea that "a child does not become a person, but is already one". The rights of children were respected in the home, which enabled the creation of an autonomous society in which children were cared for, a newspaper was published and a children's parliament and court were set up. When the German authorities ordered the transport of the children to the Treblinka extermination camp in early August 1942, Korczak decided to go with them, even though he was not obliged to do so. They were all murdered in the gas chambers at Treblinka.

Czech edition

Author Irene Cohen-Janca
Translator Jan Machonin
Ilustration Maurizio A.C.Quarello
Publisher Petrkov
Language CZ
Pages 60
Published 2015
Width 17,10 cm
Height 23,80 cm