Název ISBN Sklad
Pojednání o toleranci 9788072985586 3
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Voltaire Petr Horák, Hana Fořtová (ed.) OIKOYMENH CZ 133 2024 13 cm 20,10 cm
288 Kč incl. VAT
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The Treatise on Toleration was prompted by the trial of Jean Calas, a French Protestant merchant who was accused of murdering his son to prevent his alleged conversion to Catholicism. The trial and Calas's subsequent execution aroused considerable emotion in society. In his text published a year later, in 1763, Voltaire urged religious tolerance and turned against fanaticism and superstition. He supports the separation of church and state and calls for the preservation of the neutrality of the state in matters of faith. His treatise stresses the importance of reason and freedom of mind in resolving controversial issues.

Czech edition

Author Voltaire
Translator Petr Horák, Hana Fořtová (ed.)
Language CZ
Pages 133
Published 2024
Width 13 cm
Height 20,10 cm