Název ISBN Sklad
Plato´s Phaedo 9788072980314 1
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Kolektiv Autorů OIKOYMENH EN 474 2001 13,90 cm 20,90 cm
448 Kč incl. VAT
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Proceedings of the 2nd International Prague Platonic Symposium, held in Prague, October 20-23, 1999. contents: G. Reale, Temi di fondo. Struttura e concetti-chiave del Fedone di Platone C. J. Rowe, The Concept of Philosophy (philosophia) in Plato Ch. Quarch, Der Abschied des Sokrates. Die Bewegung der philosophischen paideia im Phaidon E. Heitsch, was Autor und Dialogpersonen des Phaidon von ihren Argumenten halten N. Blößner, Sokrates und sein Glück, oder: Weshalb hat Palton den Phaidon geschrieben? J. Tomin, Sokrates in the Phaedo I. Chvatík, Aisôpou ti geloin B. Bossi, Which exchange is right to attain virtue? (Phaedo, 69a5-c2) Th. Ebert, Das Argument aus dem Wiedergeborenwerden (Wiedegeburts-Argument) 69e-72e D. Frede, Not in the Book: How does recollection work? K. Thein, Anamnesis and fronesis in Phaedo: the bond of life or the death noose? D. Gallop, Emotions in Phaedo Š. Špinka, Katharsis katharseôs. Philosophy as "escape into the logos" and as purification" K. Eming, Affekt und Ursache A. Havlicek, Plato's Conception of Soul and Body in the Phaedo (78b-84b, 91c-95a) T. M. Robinson, Sókratés, Anaxagoras, Nous and Noésis F. Karfík, The Doctrine of the Soul and Cosmology in the Phaedo M. M. Robinson, Sókratés and Anaxagoras. Dixsaut Immortel et indestructible: le dernier problème du Phédon K. Dorter, "The immortal is indestructible, if not, we need another argument": the implicit argument in the Phaedo F. Lisi, The Fate of the Soul according to the Phaedo

English edition

Author Kolektiv Autorů
Language EN
Pages 474
Published 2001
Width 13,90 cm
Height 20,90 cm