Název ISBN Sklad
Platón a Aristotelés 9788072985579 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Eric Voegelin Jan Frei OIKOYMENH CZ 422 2022 14,30 cm 21,20 cm
488 Kč incl. VAT
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Eric Voegelin (1901-1985) was a German-American political philosopher. His work Order and History was intended to be a unique contribution to the philosophy of history. The theme was order in the human soul, in society, and in history, and the method was to be an exploration of the symbols of that order as they have changed historically from ancient oriental civilizations to the present. Voegelin, however, soon discontinued this project because he felt it necessary to revise its theoretical foundations; thus the last volume implementing the original schedule became the volume devoted to Plato and Aristotle. The latter shows philosophy (just at its peak) as the symbolic form by which the soul articulates the movements of the cosmos and society and, above all, its own movement between order and disorder, truth and untruth, justice and injustice, rise and fall, love of wisdom and love of appearances, and, lastly, between life and death.

Czech edition

Author Eric Voegelin
Translator Jan Frei
Language CZ
Pages 422
Published 2022
Width 14,30 cm
Height 21,20 cm