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Plameny v zrcadle - francouzské básně v próze 9788087595480 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Kolektiv Autorů Zdeněk Hron Petrkov CZ 104 2015 14,60 cm 17,70 cm
320 Kč incl. VAT
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The genre of prose poems, which in its extremely sophisticated form ranges between poetry, essays, maxims and old engravings, has not been cultivated much in this country. The names of Vít Obrtel or Jan Vladislav may come to mind, and before them - how else - Jaroslav Vrchlický. Their home is France. The anthology "Flames in the Mirror" traces their transformations from Baudelaire through Rimbaud, Mallarmé and Proust to Jacob and Reverdy. They are meant to be "jewels" and "the pleasing twilight of life", but they can also express with radioactive intensity an inner or outer life experience or capture an eloquent snippet of a bloodily serious episode.

Czech edition

Author Kolektiv Autorů
Translator Zdeněk Hron
Publisher Petrkov
Language CZ
Pages 104
Published 2015
Width 14,60 cm
Height 17,70 cm