Název ISBN Sklad
Pivo za císaře pána 9788027604074 2
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Pavel Scheufler Slovart CZ 160 2022 21,60 cm 25,10 cm
399 Kč incl. VAT
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It is said that beer is the Czech national drink. And no other craft in the past was so significantly connected with the economic and political development of the Czech lands as brewing. But how was beer brewed before? What professions, now extinct, were associated with it? Where did the famous beer societies meet? The book by photographer and owner of a family collection of old photographs Pavel Scheufler presents beer culture from the perspective of photographers from the time of the monarchy, starting from the harvesting of hops, through the process of production and maturation, to beer revelry. The author accompanies each photograph with engaging stories that bring the old images to life.

Czech edition

Author Pavel Scheufler
Publisher Slovart
Language CZ
Pages 160
Published 2022
Width 21,60 cm
Height 25,10 cm