Název ISBN Sklad
Paměti 2 - Za republiky (1918-1938) 9788071081944 1
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
František Weyr Atlantis CZ 520 2001 12,50 cm 20,70 cm
378 Kč incl. VAT
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In the second part of his three-volume Memoirs, Professor František Weyr (1879-1951) recalls his membership in the revolutionary National Assembly and portrays leading Czechoslovak politicians, such as T. G. Masaryk and Karel Kramář. He records events connected with the establishment of the Faculty of Law in Brno, the publication of the Dictionary of Czechoslovak Public Law, and remembers his colleagues, such as Hans Kelsen and Emil Hácha. He describes his ten-year tenure as head of the State Statistical Office and his participation in international congresses.

Czech edition

Author František Weyr
Publisher Atlantis
Language CZ
Pages 520
Published 2001
Width 12,50 cm
Height 20,70 cm