Název ISBN Sklad
O zákonech 9788072981731 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Marcus Tullius Cicero J. Janoušek, Matěj Novotný OIKOYMENH CZ, LAT 201 2017 14,50 cm 21,20 cm
298 Kč incl. VAT
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Cicero's On the Laws is closely related to his On Public Affairs. Both of these dialogues are also meant to be the Roman equivalent of Plato's dialogues The Constitution and The Laws. Less than three books and a few fragments survive of On the Laws, which Cicero probably never completed. The first book deals mainly with the question of natural law, in the second book Cicero deals with religious laws, and in the third book he outlines the division and powers of political authorities. As a natural Roman, Cicero does not propose laws for an ideal community outside the real world, but for a more perfect form of the existing Roman Republic, whose disruption he seeks to prevent.

Czech edition

Author Marcus Tullius Cicero
Translator J. Janoušek, Matěj Novotný
Language CZ, LAT
Pages 201
Published 2017
Width 14,50 cm
Height 21,20 cm