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O poměru výtvarných umění k přírodě 9788072986248 3
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling Martin Pokorný OIKOYMENH CZ 103 2023 11,10 cm 15 cm
168 Kč incl. VAT
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Schelling had been systematically studying the philosophy of art since 1800. His lecture The Relation of the Fine Arts to Nature (1807) represents his last work devoted explicitly to this topic. It is a public lecture for a wider educated audience, in which he does not formulate purely philosophical arguments, but refers to contemporary discussions on the nature of beauty (Winckelmann, Hamann, Goethe, Mengs, etc.). However, there remains an attempt to show in what sense nature is alive and productive, in what sense it is a representation of the world of ideas, and how to understand the task of art to imitate nature, or what the specifics of the representation of ideas in art consist in.

Czech edition

Author Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
Translator Martin Pokorný
Language CZ
Pages 103
Published 2023
Width 11,10 cm
Height 15 cm