Název ISBN Sklad
Ner Micva (O svátku Chanuka) 9788090358751 4
Author Translator Language Pages Published Width Height
Maharal (Rabbi Löw) Jan Divecký CZ 138 2006 12,20 cm 17,70 cm
199 Kč incl. VAT
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Rabbi Löw's writing - Ner Mitzvah (Light of the Commandment) - deals with the theme of the eight-day holiday of Hanukkah. From the Maharal's perspective, the events of the Maccabean Revolt were not an isolated episode in Jewish history. After all, nothing in the world happens at random, much less events associated with the Jewish people, the Torah, and the Temple. The Maharal unveils before us a grand scenario, rooted in the very moment of the creation of the world, and in his search for answers to the burning questions, he goes to the very roots of Judaism, to the Tanakhic texts and their interpretations.

The text is divided into eight basic chapters (candles), each accompanied by an explanatory commentary (shamash). The annotated translation concludes with an afterword by Chief Provincial Rabbi K. E. Sidon, in which he discusses the significance of the Maharal and his work (his basic biographical data and bibliography are included). The text is supplemented by an alphabetical glossary of selected terms.

Czech edition

Author Maharal (Rabbi Löw)
Translator Jan Divecký
Language CZ
Pages 138
Published 2006
Width 12,20 cm
Height 17,70 cm