Název ISBN Sklad
Nepřátele, Příběh lásky 9788072038664 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Isaac Bashevis Singer Lucie Lucká Argo CZ 232 2007 13 cm 20,80 cm
239 Kč incl. VAT
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Also in this novel I. B. Singer explores the abysmal complexity of love. HermanHerman Broder, the novel's protagonist, is a Holocaust survivor who lives in New York alternately with his wife, Jadwiga, a Polish woman, and his lover, Masha. He is unable to leave either of them: partly out of love, partly because of his indecision and passivity, but also because he married his wife Jadwiga, in fact, out of gratitude, because she helped him save his life during the war. The situation escalates when Herman's first wife Tamara, whom he has believed for many years to have been murdered along with her children during the Holocaust, arrives from Europe.

Czech edition

Author Isaac Bashevis Singer
Translator Lucie Lucká
Publisher Argo
Language CZ
Pages 232
Published 2007
Width 13 cm
Height 20,80 cm