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Narodila jsem se pod šťastnou hvězdou 9788074743528 2
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Elena Lacková, Milena Hübschmannová Triáda CZ 288 2020 14,50 cm 19 cm
346 Kč incl. VAT
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 "Her name seemed to be a star of hope that would lead the Romani people out of the vicious circle of misunderstanding between the Roma and the gadje. Elena Lacková (22 March 1921 in Veľký Šariš - 1 January 2003 in Košice) wrote the first Romani play, rehearsed it with her relatives in the hut of a gypsy settlement; it was written about with admiration in the newspapers, she lifted Romani people out of the mud of ignorant contempt... I started visiting Ilona again in 1976... And Ilona told the story. She told things she hadn't talked about when her husband was alive. Nothing bad - just a relaxed reflection and evaluation of her own life. It was fantastic, and I started filming. We filmed for long evenings, a week, ten days, the whole time I was staying with her... I went to film Ilona's biographical and at the same time ethnologically extremely interesting narratives several times a year for eight years. I transcribed them continuously from a tape recorder and accumulated pages and eventually fascicles of Romani texts. While transcribing, I was re-experiencing trance like Ilona's narration. At the same time, I felt more and more that I would be extremely guilty of Ilona, of the Roma, and of the Neromi if I did not pass on her testimony." (From the foreword by Milena Hübschmannová) A biographical mosaic from the background of the Roma minority. A narrative with fantastical elements, but also the testimony of a woman who has lived through two totalitarianisms and is struggling to hold on to her traditional beliefs.

Czech edition

Author Elena Lacková, Milena Hübschmannová
Publisher Triáda
Language CZ
Pages 288
Published 2020
Width 14,50 cm
Height 19 cm