Název ISBN Sklad
Moskva-hranice (sv. 4) 9788074743603 2
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Jiří Weil Triáda CZ 488 2021 11,50 cm 17,50 cm
469 Kč incl. VAT
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Immediately after its publication (1937), the documentary novel Moscow-Borders encountered a double misunderstanding. Its style deliberately crossed the boundaries set for so-called serious literature by adopting elements of so-called marginal literature to a degree unusual at the time. This misunderstanding was, moreover, in line with the condemnations that stemmed from the political interests of the Communist Party. The most famous of these was a devastating condemnation of Weil called The Pavlace Novel, written on the direct instructions of Klement Gottwald by Weil's close friend Julius Fučík. Moscow-Border can be simplistically described as one of the earliest critiques of Stalinism. A planned second edition was banned in 1969 and the book was not reprinted until 1991.

Czech edition

Author Jiří Weil
Publisher Triáda
Language CZ
Pages 488
Published 2021
Width 11,50 cm
Height 17,50 cm