Název ISBN Sklad
Mořská monstra 9788072983117 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Tomáš z Cantimpré Hana Šedinová OIKOYMENH CZ, LAT 424 2008 14,30 cm 21,20 cm
468 Kč incl. VAT
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The encyclopaedia by the 13th century author Thomas of Cantimpré contains basic knowledge of human anatomy, zoology, botany, mineralogy and cosmology. Based on Aristotle's zoological works and Pliny's treatise on nature, Thomas describes in the sixth book, which focuses on sea monsters, creatures that attracted the attention of medieval readers with their strange or terrifying appearance and behaviour. The publication will include a facsimile of two illuminated copies of this work, which were made in Bohemia in the 14th-15th centuries.

Czech edition

Author Tomáš z Cantimpré
Translator Hana Šedinová
Language CZ, LAT
Pages 424
Published 2008
Width 14,30 cm
Height 21,20 cm