Název ISBN Sklad
Mluvit a naslouchat 9788075211903 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Gertruda Steinová Jiří Měsíc Fra CZ 200 2021 10,50 cm 17 cm
279 Kč incl. VAT
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This collection of works by Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), translated by Jiří Měsíc, brings to the Czech reader previously unknown texts by one of the most important representatives of Anglo-American modernism. In three sections, it covers the three most important creative periods of this author and the changes in her style - from the tense experiments of her early work to her late lectures, in which Stein reveals the philosophical background of her work and modern art. Second edition

Czech edition

Author Gertruda Steinová
Translator Jiří Měsíc
Publisher Fra
Language CZ
Pages 200
Published 2021
Width 10,50 cm
Height 17 cm