Název ISBN Sklad
Metuzalémova smrt 9788025701560 1
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Isaac Bashevis Singer Ladislav Šenkyřík Argo CZ 192 2008 12,70 cm 20,60 cm
238 Kč incl. VAT
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Twenty typically Singerian short stories from the present and pre-war Poland. The horrors of the Holocaust are mixed here with nostalgia for the old days, the occult, belief in demons and goblins, betrayal of loved ones and sexual practices that were unheard of before the war, but today no one even raises an eyebrow at them, because they too can lead to a rapprochement between two people marked by fate in one way or another.

Czech edition

Author Isaac Bashevis Singer
Translator Ladislav Šenkyřík
Publisher Argo
Language CZ
Pages 192
Published 2008
Width 12,70 cm
Height 20,60 cm