Název ISBN Sklad
Lodní lístek 5
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Lenka Reinerová Olga Walló Labyrint CZ 96 2009 12,80 cm 19,80 cm
185 Kč incl. VAT
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This book presents two previously unpublished prose works by Lenka Reinerová (1916-2008), the last German-language author from Prague. The Second Landing in Mexico is a memoir of the Mexican exile during the Second World War from the perspective of the 1990s. The Boat Ticket is an exceptional prose that breaks away from the line of straightforward autobiographical narratives. It is set in the milieu of anti-fascist exiles in Marseille in 1941.

Czech edition

Author Lenka Reinerová
Translator Olga Walló
Publisher Labyrint
Language CZ
Pages 96
Published 2009
Width 12,80 cm
Height 19,80 cm