Název ISBN Sklad
Kronika lesa: Případ ztracených ježků 9788027517879 1
Author Ilustration Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Martin Máj Bianka Török Host CZ 192 2023 17,10 cm 23,60 cm
399 Kč incl. VAT
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If Sherlock Holmes had been born a woodland animal, what would he have been? 

A lynx with keen eyesight? A bear with the best sense of smell? A wolf with the instinct of a hunter? All water. The urge to uncover hidden crimes and solve mysteries of all kinds can be found in even the most unlikely of heroes. In this suspenseful and readable woodland whodunit, the role of the investigator is taken by the seemingly least called - a blind mole. A mole who suffers from childhood trauma and is afraid of the underground. A tangle and easy prey for con artists. But you know what? Nothing is as it seems at first glance. And as much as everyone may say the mole is useless, he trusts his instincts and follows them. 

This woodland community is full of life, humorous characters and great plots. It's a read for those who aren't afraid of a little suspense, require action and appropriate drama. 

The illustrations by Slovak-Hungarian artist Bianka Török give the book a unique atmosphere of damp forest twilight and co-create a world that seems real, even though it features talking animals. More books like this, in which one can lose oneself and dwell undisturbed. 

For ages six and up. 

Czech edition

Author Martin Máj
Ilustration Bianka Török
Publisher Host
Language CZ
Pages 192
Published 2023
Width 17,10 cm
Height 23,60 cm