Název ISBN Sklad
Král utopenců 9788075210470 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Alexej Cvetkov Alena Machoninová Fra CZ 292 2021 10,50 cm 17 cm
289 Kč incl. VAT
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Fourteen small prose pieces. Each subsequent one is always a little longer. A barely perceptible detail from one to the next maniacally rages, threatening to seep from the pages of the book into our lives and prove that they are just the record of someone else - as in the last story of the collection. Alexei Tsvetkov (b. 1975) is ruthless in his dreamlike, yarns, fantasy and science fiction texts, but he is far from any kind of activism. Blissfully bathed in his style, he sweeps the reader along in a torrent of associations and images - then confidently reigns supreme with his utopianism.

Czech edition

Author Alexej Cvetkov
Translator Alena Machoninová
Publisher Fra
Language CZ
Pages 292
Published 2021
Width 10,50 cm
Height 17 cm