Název ISBN Sklad
Král Sobol aneb putování Mórice Beňovského 9788088411154 2
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Jean-Christophe Rufin Tomáš Havel Maraton CZ 280 2023 12,20 cm 19,50 cm
388 Kč incl. VAT
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The subject of the novel is the life of the world traveler and enlightener of Slovak origin Móric Beňovský (1746-1786). The author was inspired by his extensive memoirs, written in the 1780s and first published in 1790, when they became a worldwide bestseller.

Czech edition

Author Jean-Christophe Rufin
Translator Tomáš Havel
Publisher Maraton
Language CZ
Pages 280
Published 2023
Width 12,20 cm
Height 19,50 cm